The Gift of Miracles
There are three supernatural phenomena in the Bible: miracles, signs, and wonders. What are the differences? How does the Bible define a "miracle"? Is the gift of miracles active in the church today, and if it is, how so?
It is clear that “miracles” in 1 Corinthians 12:9 and 28 refers to the Holy Spirit’s authority over the spirit of darkness. It is also clear that the gifts of miracles and healings were rare in the early church and most likely limited to the Apostles or those immediately connected to the Apostles: 1 Corinthians 12:28-30. The primary purpose of these gifts in the New Testament was to affirm to the Jewish people those chosen by God as having received divine revelation from God in the same way God used signs and wonders in the Old Testament to affirm his choice of Moses and Aaron, and the prophets.