All of our services are open to the public. Our church is located at 2274 Crescent Lake Road in Waterford, Michigan, across from the Waterford Township Civic Campus, one mile north of Highland Road (M-59).
Directions to Redeemer Church- Sunday Morning at 9:00 am is our Bible Teaching Hour. We meet for 50 minutes of instruction from the Bible.
- Sunday Morning at 10:30 am we have our main gathering of the week where we hear and sing God's word and respond to him.
- Sunday Evening at 6:00 pm we conclude the Lord's Day together with worship and the preaching of God's word.
Overflow ParkingThere are rare occasions when you may not be able to find a parking space in our lot. Overflow parking is available at 2303 Crescent Lake Road, less than 1 block to the north of our facility on the west side of Crescent Lake Rd.
ChildcareA clean, safe, and secure nursery, staffed by trained volunteers who have passed a comprehensive background screening, is available for infants and toddlers (0 - 2 years old) during our Morning Worship Service at 10:30 am.
Children's WorshipYour elementary age children we will be dismissed just before the sermon during the Morning Worship Service at 10:30 am for practical, age-graded Bible lessons led by our trained and screened volunteers. If you choose, your children may stay with you for the entire Worship Service.